Crystals that are excellent for protection

All crystals have a protective quality but there are some that bring extra protection to your energy field. Here are some crystals commonly associated with protection:

Black Tourmaline: Known for its strong protective properties, Black Tourmaline is believed to absorb negative energy and create a shield around you. It helps in grounding, repelling negativity, and enhancing overall energetic protection.

Smoky Quartz: This crystal is often used for protection and grounding. It helps to transmute negative energy into positive, and its grounding properties can provide a sense of stability and protection.

Amethyst: While primarily known for its spiritual and calming properties, Amethyst is also considered a protective crystal. It can help shield against negative influences, psychic attacks, and electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs).

Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is a versatile crystal that can amplify energy and intentions, including protection. It can cleanse and purify the energy field while promoting harmony and clarity.

Labradorite: Labradorite is known for its protective properties and is often used to shield the aura. It can help prevent energy leakage, block negativity, and enhance intuition and spiritual connection.

Hematite: Hematite is a powerful grounding crystal that can also provide energetic protection. It forms a reflective shield around the wearer, deflecting negative energies and balancing the energy field.

Selenite: Selenite is a high-vibration crystal that can help purify and protect the energy field. It has a calming effect and can help create a peaceful and protected environment.

Black Onyx: Black Onyx is believed to absorb and transform negative energy. It can help shield against negative influences and enhance inner strength and protection.

Shungite; Shungite is a unique and powerful crystal that is believed to possess strong protective properties. Originating from Russia, this ancient mineral is composed mostly of carbon and is known for its ability to shield against electromagnetic radiation and negative energies. Shungite is thought to create a protective barrier around the energy field, helping to neutralize and absorb harmful electromagnetic frequencies emitted by electronic devices and other sources. It acts as a natural filter, purifying and cleansing the surrounding environment. Additionally, shungite is said to have grounding and balancing qualities, aiding in the protection of one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Many individuals use shungite as a tool for energy protection and find it beneficial in promoting a sense of calm, harmony, and energetic stability in their lives.

Remember, each crystal may resonate differently with individuals, so it’s essential to choose crystals that personally resonate with you. Cleansing and charging your crystals regularly will help maintain their protective energies.

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Cleansing your crystals

Cleanse your crystals by washing them in purified water NOT chlorinated water or the best is seawater. Give good intentions to the crystals when washing them. Then place them in full moonlight by putting them on a windowsill. Bring them in at dawn before the sunlight comes in as this can fade some crystals.

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Crystals that are self-cleansing

While all crystals benefit from occasional cleansing to clear and recharge their energies, there are two crystals that are often believed to have self-cleansing properties:

Selenite: Selenite is a unique crystal that has a natural ability to cleanse itself and its surrounding energies. It is known for its purifying and high-vibrational properties. Selenite can also be used to cleanse and recharge other crystals, making it a popular choice for crystal enthusiasts.

Citrine: Citrine is believed to be a self-cleansing crystal that does not hold or accumulate negative energies. It is associated with abundance, joy, and positive energy. Citrine’s bright and vibrant energy is thought to be self-renewing and does not require frequent cleansing.

While these crystals are often considered to have self-cleansing qualities, it’s still beneficial to periodically cleanse and recharge them to maintain their optimal energy. Cleansing methods such as moonlight bathing, sound cleansing, or placing them on cleansing crystals like Clear Quartz can help restore their energies.