Cleanse your space with the ancient ritual of sage smudging.

Using sage to cleanse a space, object or person has been done for thousands of years. Sage smudging is when sage is dried and rolled into a bundle, it is then lit with matches or a lighter. The burning sage is smudged out to create smoke which is then used to remove negative unwanted energy from the space, object, or person.

Sage smudging dates all the way back to ancient Egyptians and Romans where it was used in healing processes such as to treat digestive issues, sore throats, and memory issues. Many indigenous cultures have used sage such as the Native Americans who burned sage for centuries as part of a spiritual ritual to cleanse, purify a person, object, or space, and to promote healing and wisdom.

The name sage comes from the Latin “salvia,” which means, “to feel healthy.”

Using sage and other herbs in a smudging ritual works with calling on the energy frequency of the herbs (because everything is energy) this then changes the energy frequency of the space, object, or person. Because energy can’t be destroyed only transferred which is a law of physics, the sage and its energy is transferring into the smoke, the smoke frequency then changes the space-frequency which goes on changing the frequency of everything in that space.

That is a bit of information to get your head around but everything is energy and there is really very little physical matter because within cells and molecules there is more space than physical matter. I learned recently that the physical matter of the body could be placed on the top of a pin, I don’t know if this is true but if we have so much space in cells and between cells well it seems to be highly likely.

So if you would like to take up this powerful ritual of sage smudging a great place to start is your home. Simply light your sage outside and then allow the flame to go out leaving it to smoke. Use a saucer or smudge bowl (available at Ocean Gypsy) to capture can embers that may come off. Move from room to room in a clockwise direction from your front door then clockwise around each room. As you are doing this set great intentions such as ”Í allow beautiful loving and healing energy to flow into my home”.

Leave the door open for half an hour or so if possible so the negative energy can flow out which allows for positive energy to flow in. You can set great intentions for each room or the same one, it is up to you.

With rituals and spirituality, I feel you should intuitively make it your own, create your own way of connecting to your inner self and the outer being.

I recommend doing sage smudging when you are on your own so you can truly focus and connect. Don’t do smudging around children and be aware of pets as their smell is more sensitive than ours and they generally pick up on energies more.

You can sage smudge daily if you wish, I do a cleanse each month at home and in the shop each day when we open up due to more people or energy beings passing through the shop affecting the energy.

I love the sage smudging bowl that we have online and in the Ocean Gypsy Store, they are super cool with a place to put your sage stick when not in use. I often leave mine burning in the bowl then move the whole bowl around the space.

Sage smudge sticks come in different varieties at Ocean Gypsy we have

Classic white sage is used to cleanse and purify a space or object and remove negative energy. A general all-rounder.

Blue sage is traditionally used to ward off or remove spirits that are not required in a space.  Excellent to cleanse and purify a space.   It provides spiritual strength so a great tool for energy healers and natural health practitioners to cleanse the space after clients.

Black sage is traditionally used to encourage dreams and visions.  It can be burnt before bedtime to aid restful sleep and pleasant dreams.  Black sage has been used to open up astral travel, shamanic journeys and is thought to protect the traveler during such excursions. 

Dragons Blood Sage Smudge Stick is sage that is infused with dragons blood oil.  The sage part of the stick is traditionally thought to cleanse the space and the dragon’s blood is known to protect and heal the energy of that space.  

Dragons blood is especially good when moving into a new home or for when events have occurred in a space that requires healing.  Click Below to enter the Ocean Gypsy Store

Disclaimer; use sage smudging at your own risk, be aware of embers and keep away from children or pets.